Permaculture Design Courses

What we’re about… 

Taking on the challenge to change dreams of the modern world, guiding humanity from an extractive to a regenerative relationship with nature; our theory of change is that major shifts in humankind happen through culture. We first examine our own assumptions of who we are and what we want in life to create what we want for ourselves.

Healing ourselves, each other, and the planet.

Through our students, websites, and youtube channel, we can share what we learn for greater impact.

Wei’s Permaculture Project- What he found at Patos Suertudos

We offer:

Permaculture Design Certificate Internships: $400 per week (Paid in advance, PayPal, dollars or colones), includes room and board with project hours aligned with your personal learning goals)             

  • Personalized education plan aligning your personal permaculture goals
  • Access to documentaries, conversations, library, and more
  • Permaculture Design Certificate and letter of reference, if applicable

Scholarships available for locals and financial hardship cases 

Solar Cooked meal
David demonstrates how to cook in direct sunlight


Once you enter the gate, you will drop into natural cycles, wildlife, greenery, and humans balancing their needs and interactions with those of nature.

Everyone gets a comfortable bed, healthy food, and space to be alone and explore a library of books and documentaries, and community. Our systems will likely be new to you. Humanure, solar cooking, rocket stoves, solar electric, solar thermal, composting, reducing, reusing, and repurposing. It may take a week or more just to get acclimated.  Then there are the bugs, mosquitoes, toads, snakes, and rooster crowing in what seems like the middle of the night. Depending on the season, it can be hot and dry or everything moldy, muddy, and wetter than you imagined possible.

At its best, this is an opportunity to reset yourself to your own true nature and to offer service to the greater good of mankind and the planet. If this sounds like a path you want to take, submit an application below.

Overall, Los Patos permaculture is a sanctuary of learning if you come ready to work and with an open mind” Liam

Apply if you are:

  • ready for a unique and amazing adventure
  • motivated, curious, responsible, organized, and helpful 
  • open to re-examining assumptions. 
  • super respectful of boundaries in sharing space and things with others, asking questions when not clear. 
  • bringing your own Wi Fi access unless only used for emergency or to let contact know you arrived safely
  • responsible for any dietary needs outside of what is offered, fulfilling your needs while making sure that others get what they need.
  • Taking responsibility for the repair or replacement of any damages beyond normal wear and tear caused by your action or negligence.
  • Have filled out the application without false or misleading information. You release all staff members at the Finca from responsibility and liabilities during your time spent at Patos Suertudos.
  • Consider this a drug free zone.
References:  Please send letters if you have them to
I promise that by submitting this application that I have represented myself honestly and that I am free of communicable diseases that could endanger others at Patos Suertudos.

“I had a fantastic time at the Finca. Kristy and David are amazing hosts, passionate about everything they do and really wanting to share their lifestyle and their values to make a change in the world. They know a lot about permaculture and are always happy to teach and share their knowledge, books, documentaries, and any resources they have.” …Sandy